A Report to Membership and Donors

Dear Fellow Film Lover and County Theater Supporter,
As we turn the page from 2023, your County Theater President takes a few moments to reflect on the three milestones: the 85th anniversary of the County Theater's founding, the 30th year of the County's reopening, and the 2nd year since we completed the expansion and renovation.
Why are we able to celebrate these 2023 milestones? Thanks to the wonderful and happy collision of great film releases, loyal audiences, generous supporters (that's you!), community support, and inspired programming. Our County Theater staff welcomes your frequent visits and works hard to make every visit outstanding.
It is my happy duty to inform our members, donors, and patrons about County Theater activities so I hope you will stay with me through this reflective 2023 letter. I won’t resist making a few predictions for 2024 on behalf of the Board whose duty is to ensure the County fulfills its mission and enjoys long-term financial viability.

Theater: Two years “in” and our facility still looks brand new. Our commitment to highest quality construction pays off in great surroundings, clear sound, outstanding projection, and excellent climate control. We continually upgrade our theater and projection booth with the latest technology to give you the best possible image and sound. Our staff emphasizes current maintenance to preserve the “sparkle” in our theaters.
Programming: Before I became a volunteer, I thought the process of showing films seemed simple. It isn’t. Our programming team must balance time slots with constantly shifting distributor release schedules, AND we try to find the best mix of films available. Our staff works hard to present the films YOU want and schedules attractive events. Please see the list of programs (below) and frequently visit our website for new events: www.countytheater.org. During 2023, several events sold out, notably Monty Python Fest, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and many Family Matinees. Notably, since we graduated to three screens, on July 27, 2023, we had our first triple sell-out: Barbie, Oppenheimer, and Jaws.

Staff: You’ll never see Head Manager Justin Jagoe or his team Abby, Courtney, Nate, Nick, Will, and many more, sitting still (especially during our always sold-out family matinees!). Justin and the team manage countless responsibilities invisible to the public: Start times. Sound checks. Visual checks. Theater temperature and humidity. Ensures film is on server. Programming. Cleaning. Maintenance and repairs. Inventory control. Staffing. Welcoming guests. Bathroom checks. This IS visible: Smile, smile, smile, and sweep, sweep, sweep.
Financial Health: AGAIN we have a wonderful, loyal, participatory following. Thank you to everyone who supported our annual campaign and ensured a financially successful 2023. If you haven’t made a gift...It’s never too late.
Community partners: It’s so satisfying to be an integral part of the Doylestown community and have so many wonderful partners such as the Mercer, Doylestown Pride, Nonno’s, Siren Records, Puck, and dozens more who are listed to the left of our entrance doors.
Events: We love events. You do too! Monty Python: Sold out. 2001, A Space Odyssey: Sold out. Outdoor screenings: Record crowds. Family Matinees: Every Christmas event sold out in all three theaters. National Theatre Live. And many more.

Rentals: Our patrons rented the theater 68 times for birthday parties, family events, and corporate presentations along with multiple marquee rentals. The County offers hundreds of film options, or you can bring your own. Truly, renting the theater for a birthday party, as Carol Ann and I did for our grandkids (see photo below), provides a unique and memorable experience. Even though our California-based grandkids had never met the neighborhood and Board kids attending, ALL these excited kids instantly bonded and headed for the last row. They were so cute! Our six-year-old went nuts when she sounded out on the marquee, “Welcome Rosie and Mason.” How about this? Bring a PowerPoint-format album of family photos and give your guests a pre-show surprise. Our two grandkids shouted out, “That’s our dog!” “That’s my Mom!” “That’s my dog in my pool!” (Full disclosure: It was our neighbor’s pool, but we had permission!).
Survey lessons: Almost 600 loyal patrons responded. Your voice is important and always considered, and every Board member and manager reviewed detailed results and comments. Thanks for participating. The three most mentioned motivations to become a member were reduced admission, desire to support the community, and desire to support an independent theater.
Website and communication: About 50% of our patrons obtain program information from our website, 40% from our weekly programming emails, and 10% through social media and in-person contact. As the website is the primary source, we make sure it communicates efficiently and clearly and renders correctly on all platforms, even the smallest cell phone screen.
Volunteers: Many thanks to our loyal, long-term ticket-takers Marne, Tom, Dave, Barbara, June, Kathleen, Karen, Roger, and many, many more including Board members. Want to volunteer? Send an email to comments@countytheater.org.
2023 Stats
#1 Film: BarbieTotal 2023 Admissions: 70,816
231 films screened
3,171 lbs of Popcorn consumed
6,514 Members strong
2024 = More of what we do best: We show a broad range of films. We continue with our strong community co-op programs, summer nights, family matiness, special events, Deep Focus, and much more. Our leading addition is the March 10, 2024, Hollywood Awards wine and hors d’oeuvres reception and awards presentation screening in our new theater.
Board of Directors: Repeating myself, I summarize the Board’s mission in a single sentence: The County Theater Board of Directors is responsible to ensure the long-term viability of the County Theater. Further to the normal Board work of community networking, fund raising, advising management, much work goes into governance. Every Board member participates with their community network, technical expertise, creativity, care, and of course 100% of Board members give financial support.

Setting Records: On July 27, 2023, the County Theater experienced its first triple sellout: Barbie, Oppenheimer, and Jaws. Every seat was occupied. We sold out every Christmas themed matinee (we were unable to count the number of patrons of ALL ages who showed up in pajamas!).
In closing, the Board believes the County Theater fulfills its mission: Our mission is to preserve our historic, landmark theater and the classic cinema experience by offering a wide range of films, creative special events, and a meeting place for our entire community. Please grade our performance and make suggestions for a continued prosperous and relevant County Theater. We welcome your views of how to improve operation and service to the community by emailing comments@CountyTheater.org.
Special thanks to our Board of Directors, volunteers, big shout to theater manager Justin Jagoe and his staff, and special recognition to our Founding and Executive Directors, John Toner and Chris Collier.
See you at the movies!

County Theater Board of Directors